Thursday, December 6, 2012

Does GOD really exist ??

Today in the afternoon, I was watching this programme on "Discovery science channel " by Morgan Freeman called "Through the wormhole " . The topic was very interesting -- " Did we invent God ? " There were many arguments and questions which came to my mind and hence I thought to type them out here in this blog. Kindly share your opinions and arguments, whether you agree or disagree with my comments made
below. Here is the same program which I found it out from >>

After seeing this 42 minute video , you may think either way. You may think that We are just a small part of this vast universe, which GOD HAS MADE. Or you may think that the very Concept of God is the Product of Human Brain and in Reality there is NO GOD. However, what I think is as follows:--

1) Who wakes us up unharmed every morning ?Why did your size grow from age 0 to 18-20 ?Where do we come from before birth and where do we go after death ?Why does the Sun rise almost exactly at same time during consecutive days ? Why are all the timings and locations of planetary objects systematic ? ( I mean why do they rise from and set in the same direction daily with only minor differences compared to the previous reading of time and location )? 
One may argue that all these are natural phenomena and happen by themselves. Then what is this "Natural phenomena" ? What is this thing which we call " Nature " ? There must be some Controlling FORCE which would be there without which all these would go randomn and chaotic. Fresh new leaves form and flowers blossom only in Spring and not in Autumn, Dry and withered leaves are shredded away only in Autumn and not in spring, the birds start chirping only with the first rays of Sun being visible and not at night, so many things happen in a very orderly and timely manner. Why ? Without someone controlling all these, the world would surely go berserk and be an unimaginable violent place. All these examples do lead us to believe about the existence of a Super-Controller called God. 

2) The two points that the concept of the existence of God is the idea of Human Brain and whether we INVENTED God or not are both unreasonable and rather foolish. There are proofs of the existence of God everywhere. There are so many things humans aren't able to do or control inspite of continuous efforts of the scientific community viz. where do we come from before birth and go after death, why everything has got a time limit ( age ) and it is destined to perish after that time limit is over ?

Humans have existed on this planet only since 20 million years and before that also there was Life on earth for another 630 million years before our arrival. Who controlled everything then ? And we just cannot say that WE INVENTED GOD because we came in very late during this entire formation of life out here. The word Invent can be put hypothetically with the context that God is the product of the human brain, but then it doesn't explain how all the things around us were created. Some scientists have worked day and night to know where do we go after death and in that also they have failed so far in knowing the facts. Certain questions are very crucial and they remain unresolved as on today. Maybe they give as an indirect proof that the supreme Power doesn't want us to know about them because he knows that we are so selfish that if by chance we came to know the answers to those crucial questions about life and death, we would stop worshipping Him and forget Him entirely. 

3) There have been so many miracles in the last few decades which prove beyond doubt that there is a Protecting Force which helps human beings survive the oddest of the odds, when they ask for its DIVINE INTERVENTION. Prayers done with a sincere heart do bring back Life to a dying patient from deathbed. However we humans are so narrowminded that we tend to believe in such miracles only when they happen in our lives and/ or influence us directly and ignore or mock at them when we listen to them from somewhere. All the miracles and magical incidences occuring around us, which show the destruction of evil and establishment of the Benign, prove the existence of God. 

4) If there was no God, no SuperPower then all the things around us would be totally in a state of chaos. We would be exposed to thorough lack of Order and Sytem everywhere. The sun and the other heavenly bodies would be rising in the north, south anywhere, moving in any direction they could !! Humans and other living beings may grow then diminish again grow again die and come to life again after death ( everything would be possible ! ) There would be no civilized societies and barbaric tribes would be dominating our planet. Any unimaginable and weird worst case scenario would be possible without
that Governing force

Does the Boson - God Particle explain anything about the existence of God ? We will discuss that in our next blog. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Transformation from ME to WE


More often than not, Relationships terminate due to mainly one reason >> Giving more importance to your ownself Rather than the combined team. If you continue to give yourself unnecessary importance, then its very likely that others may find you highly self-centred, start feeling more and more repulsiveness in you and finally the relationship breaks down. Effort should be made to focus on the Team, rather than on the individual himself.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Importance of Changing the Paradigms

There were four friends who were blind, walking inside a forest. They suddenly found a Mahaut ( elephant-keeper ) on their way. Now since they were blind and never seen what an elephant looks like, they expressed their desire to the Mahaut to actually let them touch and feel the elephant. The Mahaut agreed. After all the four friends had actually touched the elephant , they thanked the Mahaut and started walking ahead. One of them started the discussion , " Friends, lets describe what an elephant looks like by our personal experiences ." The other friends accepted his opinion. The first one continued, " According to me, an elephant looks like a closed  cylinderical container !!" ( Since he had touched one of the feet of the elephant ) The second one denied his stand. "No, no , brother . You are not right here, actually , the elephant looks like an open cylinderical container !!"( This one had touched the trunk of the giant animal)  The third one suddenly jumped in , " Both of you are wrong , dear fellows. The elephant looks like circular smooth rods sharpened at their ends !" (He happened to touch the huge Tusks)  The fourth one said , " oh comeon, what you people talking about ? According to me, the elephant is a hairy animal with a lot of hair on his body !!" ( He had touched the hairy tail at the rear part of the elephant's body ) . Since all four men's views differed from each other they decided to go back to the Mahaut. When they asked the Mahaut what it looks like , the Mahaut rested their doubts by saying, " It looks like all four things which you said, but only when you go very near to it. For example, if you go very near the feet it will look a closed cyclindrical, if you happen to touch its trunk then it will appear to you , as if its like a hollow cyclinder. Same way if you touch its tusks it will appear like circular smooth rods sharpening at the ends and if by chance you touched its tail , it would look like an animal with a lot of hair on it !!! Since all the doubts in the minds of the four blind men were solved , they thanked the Mahaut and proceeded ahead to the forest.

The moral of the story is " The world looks to you , as what you Think and Perceive about it ." If you think that the world is a very Beautiful and Jolly place to live in, you will start feeling like that everyday. If you think that the world is a very ugly and sad place, and its a burden , then you start feeling that way each day . (Ofcourse, being practical enough to know the truth is necessary , but here I am talking about the general perception created in the mind.) This perception created in the mind, this mental image which you carry about the things around you , is known as "Paradigm". Its actually a scientific term, but in the modern world its often used in a professional context. They represent the implicit assumptions about things , created subconsciously in our minds. They are mostly formed from our experiences in the past. For example, when a person is describing a certain place , he seems to describe as it is but actually its his frame of reference, his mental image of things, his very own assumptions which he is describing and not essentially the things "as-it-were"  !! The same place may be described by another person in entirely a different way from him !! An early dawn, ( when the sun has yet not come out ) can be described by one person as the Beginning of a New Bright Sunny day , while another one may call it as "an uncertain-gloomy-beginning " !!

In order to change the results of an employee, or a student or any performer in any field, his employer / Teacher/ Trainer needs to change the Paradigm . If an employer tells his subordinate ," Look man, this is your OWN workplace and the more your perform better , the more I will reward you with incentives. So Go ahead !!" In here the words "OWN WORKPLACE " can play a very big role . The employee/ worker starts thinking about the working place as his Very OWN , and starts loving it . This will create a sense of belonging to him and this in turn will generate that intense desire to Perform to the very best level , because he will now think that since I belong to this place, its my duty to perform as good as I can !! Imagine what would have happened if the employer restricted himself by telling the employee in a more formal and uninspiring manner , " Look man, this is not your home and you need to follow the rules everytime , every moment because Rules are more important than anything else in MY factory ." There the word "My factory" ( the employer's factory ) would create a very negative influence on the mind of the worker as he would start feeling that he doesn't belong to that workplace although he comes there daily and it belongs to the owner and not him . Since feeling of isolation from the scene, would create a Void in his mind, and although he would be working all the time, he wouldn't be able to deliver the same levels of performance as what he could have done in the first case described above . This is, what I call , the "Magic of the Paradigm" . Change the Paradigm of an employee/ student / performer and everything changes - his efficiency, productivity, output levels, performance, whatever you may call .

Start calling a less-appreciated but a potentially-sharp-skilled worker as the Future of your company , and he will turn into one quite soon !! Before putting the Captain's cap on the head of a sharp Leader of a team in sports , start calling him a Future Great captain , and see the difference -- he will start behaving like a Great Captain from that day itself !! This is the Result of the shift in Paradigm !! Apply in your organisation, school, workplace and watch the difference !!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Principles,Rules and Values

Even in today's world, there is a lot of importance of obeying the Principles. 

Principles not only set the guidelines of how things work and how they are supposed to be, but they also set up an organised path on which everyone is assumed to work on. Take any place , any field of life- Principles are the Governing force . In a corporate identity , the principles set forward tell each and every employee how to work , behave and operate. Even the employer ( boss ) has to follow the same set of rules ( principles ) ( like the timeframes, schedules of work , laws of behaving in an office environment etc. ) sometimes, in order that his employers follow them as well. Its these principles which make the working place all the more systematic and well-organised. 

Principles govern the conduct in an educational institute too. The students, the teachers have to obey particular rules and pre-set terms in order that the school remains a perfect place to get education from and not an entertainment club. All the students following a particular dress-code , keeping neat and tidy dresses, also keeping themselves clean all the time, not spoiling the school's complex with any dirty garbage, keeping a decent behaviour amongst themselves, not stealing or grabbing other's possessions, giving due respect to teachers , are among a few required rules to be followed by the students . Giving proper and adequate guidance to the students , possessing and providing indepth knowledge to the students on particular topics of their chosen subjects, maintaining discipline and silence during a particular period, co-ordinating with other teachers and the head of school are amongst the rules required to be followed by a teacher. 

At a place other than the school , like home or a public place you need to maintain decorum and follow the rules . For example, at home too the parents shouldn't use foul language on the cellphone or in person infront of their kids or even otherwise, even if he or she is very angry. Beating up a spouse infront of the kid is the last thing expected here . It not only creates a wrong impression in the mind of the kid, but also makes him feel that Violence is permissible everywhere. Even kissing your spouse vehemently infront of the child, should be considered improper. A child , who hasn't attained puberty, may feel that sex is a thing of public-demonstration , which perhaps it is not. 

Children should also think of what-to-do and what-not-to-do at places other than the school like your home or garden or other public place. At home, some children watch TV at high volumes, play games  online on DVD in a group for long hours, keep shouting all the time without any due cause, keep bullying over their younger siblings now and then, don't obey their parents frequently, don't eat proper or healthy food, etc. These things are not as per rules and they need to be amended. In a particular place like a Garden or a Restaurant, they shouldn't damage chairs or benches, prick flowers from a plant without the permission, throw stones at animals like dogs or roosters moving around, make more noise-- so that they may be considered as not violating the Rules. 

Abraham Lincoln once said ,"People will come and go but the Principles and Values will remain the same ." Principles and Values are here since Time immemorial. They govern the human society in such a way,that peace,prosperity and fraternity prevail at the same time and at the same place. Without them , the human society would no longer be called a Civilized society. Although, biologically humans are classified as animals, the basic difference between them and the other animals is these Principles and Values without which human society would resemble a group of primates moving around a forest area. 
Dependance, Independance and Inter-dependance
" Can you help me out in finishing my job ?"; "Can you please deposit MY Cheque in the bank while YOU pass through the bank ? "; " Can you do me a favour by handing over this bag to my brother while you pass near my home ? ";  Such questions are more frequent in the life of a DEPENDANT PERSON . 9 out of 10 such people donot make any noteworthy contributions in life . The reason is simple . You cannot expect others to do YOUR work . They may do it or maynot. If by chance, they do it , then the quality of work is not as good as what you can do it yourself . So why depend ? 

There comes the second strata , the second layer of professionals who can be defined as INDEPENDANTS. They normally donot depend on anyone for getting their work done. Whether it be in personal life, professional life or anywhere, they do their own work THEMSELVES. Hence they get the two obvious advantages -- 1) their work is never unfinished or untouched. 2) their work is always of a better Quality. The 3rd advantage can also come as a byproduct > they are more respected in their personal and professional circles !! Respect is a quality which is Earned by you and not demanded by you. The independant person always earns respect automatically !!

Up the ladder, is yet another level >> INTER-DEPENDANCE . Professionals at a higher level in their organisation always endeavour to achieve it. " Can we do this project in this particular manner ?"  "Can we achieve a turnover of 10 million by the end of this year ?" -- these are such questions which are commonly uttered by professionals who are Inter-dependant. Since they know that they can achieve certain tasks and goals INDEPENDANTLY , they now have the extra space to think about achieving their tasks in a Team or a Group. Now since both the parties are equally keen in doing their work independantly and efficiently , the entire project is more likely to be successful rather than meeting a failure and hence INTER-DEPENDANCE meets success more often than even INDEPENDANCE does !! See the magic here -- one person who is independant and successful combines with a group of other people who are equally independant and successful and generates a highly successful team !!! This is all what Team work is about !!

All the different teams working in any organisation, must have a common principle of functioning. First be independant and achieve your own goals with thorough efficiency and best output levels. Then co-ordinate with the other members of your team and try to construct a chain of successful operations or products -- in other words ,Inter-dependance. Whether it be any team , a Junior-level-sales-team , a middle-level-Management-team, a Human-resource-management-team , the basic concept remains the same . Be independant , and then be inter-dependant . Co-ordinate with each other very well at even the micro level. Strategize the plans together . Function well independantly. No wonder, the Best Results will follow  !!!!