Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yesterday,Prashant Bhushan,a member of Team Anna was beaten up for making comments about Kashmir.He said he was in favour of a Referendum in Kashmir,in which the people of Kashmir should be given the right to decide whether Kashmir should be an independant nation or remain as an integral part of India.Undoubtedly such highly liberalized remarks would provoke the rightists,who think that India can and should never be divided further. So some young people rushed inside the office of Prashant Bhushan and bashed him up for his unscrupulous and antinational remarks.

The question here is of propriety. Did Prashant Bhushan say the right thing when he commented about the freedom of Kashmir ? Should he be excused for making such remarks under the pretext that he has the freedom of speech,living in a democracy like India ? Or should he be punished ? If at all, he should be punished or opposed,is this the right way to oppose him - by beating him badly ?

Evidently, he went completely wrong when he was saying that the Youth of Kashmir deserved a Referendum on what should be the future of Kashmir. After so much of bloodshed of innocent men and women in Kashmir,and after the immigration of almost all the Hindus from Kashmir,we can't let it to be hived off from the rest of the nation,only because some seperatists over there want it to be a seperate identity.
Every true Indian will like to see Kashmir , being a part of India Forever.

Everything has its own limit,however.Freedom of speech isn't granted to us,so that we keep on commenting thoughtlessly (giving your thoughts the name "Liberalized views")about sensitive issues, which can stir someone up.You should think twice before you make a Public statement about a burning issue like Kashmir.Just because,you were supported by the Public as heroes during your campaign against corruption,especially due to Anna Hazare, doesnt give you the authority to speak about burning and sensitive national issues relentlessly.It was a clear case of Misuse of the fundamental right of Freedom of speech.He deserved opposition from anywhere and everywhere.

However, the punishment dished out to him was also improper.If you donot like a person's comments you can oppose him verbally by arguing with him or at the best shout slogans against him in protest.But you can't use Violence to thrash him for what he spoke.This is called Hooliganism, which cannot be endorsed in a civilized society.

Inshort,patriotism cannot be showed by beating someone up just because his views were anti-national.There are far better ways to show your Patriotism, rather than this one. Such events make the nation's pride to descend.

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