Thursday, December 6, 2012

Does GOD really exist ??

Today in the afternoon, I was watching this programme on "Discovery science channel " by Morgan Freeman called "Through the wormhole " . The topic was very interesting -- " Did we invent God ? " There were many arguments and questions which came to my mind and hence I thought to type them out here in this blog. Kindly share your opinions and arguments, whether you agree or disagree with my comments made
below. Here is the same program which I found it out from >>

After seeing this 42 minute video , you may think either way. You may think that We are just a small part of this vast universe, which GOD HAS MADE. Or you may think that the very Concept of God is the Product of Human Brain and in Reality there is NO GOD. However, what I think is as follows:--

1) Who wakes us up unharmed every morning ?Why did your size grow from age 0 to 18-20 ?Where do we come from before birth and where do we go after death ?Why does the Sun rise almost exactly at same time during consecutive days ? Why are all the timings and locations of planetary objects systematic ? ( I mean why do they rise from and set in the same direction daily with only minor differences compared to the previous reading of time and location )? 
One may argue that all these are natural phenomena and happen by themselves. Then what is this "Natural phenomena" ? What is this thing which we call " Nature " ? There must be some Controlling FORCE which would be there without which all these would go randomn and chaotic. Fresh new leaves form and flowers blossom only in Spring and not in Autumn, Dry and withered leaves are shredded away only in Autumn and not in spring, the birds start chirping only with the first rays of Sun being visible and not at night, so many things happen in a very orderly and timely manner. Why ? Without someone controlling all these, the world would surely go berserk and be an unimaginable violent place. All these examples do lead us to believe about the existence of a Super-Controller called God. 

2) The two points that the concept of the existence of God is the idea of Human Brain and whether we INVENTED God or not are both unreasonable and rather foolish. There are proofs of the existence of God everywhere. There are so many things humans aren't able to do or control inspite of continuous efforts of the scientific community viz. where do we come from before birth and go after death, why everything has got a time limit ( age ) and it is destined to perish after that time limit is over ?

Humans have existed on this planet only since 20 million years and before that also there was Life on earth for another 630 million years before our arrival. Who controlled everything then ? And we just cannot say that WE INVENTED GOD because we came in very late during this entire formation of life out here. The word Invent can be put hypothetically with the context that God is the product of the human brain, but then it doesn't explain how all the things around us were created. Some scientists have worked day and night to know where do we go after death and in that also they have failed so far in knowing the facts. Certain questions are very crucial and they remain unresolved as on today. Maybe they give as an indirect proof that the supreme Power doesn't want us to know about them because he knows that we are so selfish that if by chance we came to know the answers to those crucial questions about life and death, we would stop worshipping Him and forget Him entirely. 

3) There have been so many miracles in the last few decades which prove beyond doubt that there is a Protecting Force which helps human beings survive the oddest of the odds, when they ask for its DIVINE INTERVENTION. Prayers done with a sincere heart do bring back Life to a dying patient from deathbed. However we humans are so narrowminded that we tend to believe in such miracles only when they happen in our lives and/ or influence us directly and ignore or mock at them when we listen to them from somewhere. All the miracles and magical incidences occuring around us, which show the destruction of evil and establishment of the Benign, prove the existence of God. 

4) If there was no God, no SuperPower then all the things around us would be totally in a state of chaos. We would be exposed to thorough lack of Order and Sytem everywhere. The sun and the other heavenly bodies would be rising in the north, south anywhere, moving in any direction they could !! Humans and other living beings may grow then diminish again grow again die and come to life again after death ( everything would be possible ! ) There would be no civilized societies and barbaric tribes would be dominating our planet. Any unimaginable and weird worst case scenario would be possible without
that Governing force

Does the Boson - God Particle explain anything about the existence of God ? We will discuss that in our next blog. 

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